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Families in Transition
November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month
In 2007, Congress passed its first resolution recognizing November as National Homeless Youth Awareness Month (NHYAM) to build awareness of the issue of youth homelessness, including its causes and potential solutions, and highlight the need to work to prevent homelessness among children and youth. Since then, November has been a time to elevate the issue of youth homelessness and grow the commitment to intensify efforts to prevent and end homelessness among young people in the United States. In support of the federal resolution recognizing November as NHYAM, many states, including , have passed state resolutions recognizing the same.

McKinney Vento Eligibility and Frequently Asked Questions
The West Contra Costa Unified School District's Families in Transition provides support for homeless school-age children and youth who attend WCCUSD schools. Identifying homeless children and youth is a critical step in ensuring that they receive appropriate services and support. The Families in Transition provides homeless youth with the following services:-
Transportation assistance
School supplies
Assistance to get back into school
Referrals to community agencies
What is McKinney-Vento?
The McKinney-Vento Federal Homeless Assistance Act is the primary legislation that defines the educational rights of children and youth who lack permanent housing.
Who is eligible for McKinney-Vento services?
Students are eligible for McKinney-Vento services if:
- they lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence;
- are “doubled-up,” temporarily living with friends or relatives due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
- live in a shelter, transitional housing, motel, vehicle or campground;
- are “unaccompanied youth,” children and youth who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian
- are runaway youth
What are the services available to McKinney-Vento students? Students who are McKinney-Vento eligible can:
- enroll in school without having to show proof of residence or other documents (Bulletin S-13)
- receive transportation assistance (AC Transit, WestCat, BART passes)
- receive school supplies, referrals, and other items to support their educational needs
Where can McKinney-Vento eligible students enroll?
McKinney-Vento student have two enrollment options:
- Students have the right to remain enrolled in their “school of origin” even if they no longer reside in the school’s attendance area. By federal and state definitions, the “school of origin” is the school the child or youth attended when permanently housed, or the school in which the child was last enrolled.
- Students can enroll in a school in which other children who live in the same area are eligible to attend. In most cases, the address that the student is temporarily housed in is used to determine their school of residence.
What documents are McKinney-Vento students required to submit to enroll in school?
McKinney-Vento eligible students can enroll in school without having to show proof of residency or other documents such as an immunization card. However, students who are seeking protection and services under McKinney-Vento must complete a WCCUSD Housing Questionnaire when enrolling their child in school. Like an emergency card, the WCCUSD Housing Questionnaire must be updated on a yearly basis to ensure that the student is still McKinney-Vento eligible.
Can students use McKinney-Vento eligibility to transfer to a school outside of the attendance area in which they are currently residing?
No. McKinney-Vento students must complete a transfer application and submit it to the Transfer Office. In the meantime, McKinney-Vento students must attend the school in which they are currently enrolled. McKinney-Vento does not give students any special preferences when submitting a transfer application.
Which students qualify for transportation assistance?
Students who reside a mile or more from their school are eligible for transportation assistance under McKinney-Vento. Transportation assistance is provided to McKinney-Vento-eligible students until the end of their current school term. Students must submit a completed WCCUSD Housing Questionnaire to determine eligibility at the start of the new school year.
Can parents receive transportation assistance under McKinney-Vento?
McKinney-Vento does not specifically require the provision of transportation assistance to parents. However, the Families In Transition office will provide transportation for one parent if they have a child in grade 3 or below and if they reside a mile or more away from their child’s school.
Who should you contact if you have a student that you believe is eligible for McKinney-Vento?
The West Contra Costa Unified School District “Families In Transition” office provides support for McKinney-Vento eligible children and youth who attend WCCUSD schools. Identifying homeless children and youth is a critical step in ensuring that they receive appropriate services and support. The Families In Transition office provides homeless youth with the following services:
- Transportation Assistance
- School Supplies
- Assistance With School Enrollment
- Referrals To Community Agencies
Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ provides answers to frequently asked questions on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Contact Us
Families in Transition/Foster Youth1108 Bissell Avenue
Richmond, CA, 94801
Phone: (510) 307-4508Email: FIT@茄子视频
WCCUSD Housing Questionnaire
*Please Note: The Housing Questionnaire is available in hard copy. Please contact us using the directory or visit the main administrative office in person.