If you need to report an absence, you may email our office manager at kmoore@茄子视频 or complete the form below.
All students are to complete the form below in the first week of school. This form is imperative for us to be able to send you up-to-date information through emails and phone calls home.
You can return to this form to update as needed throughout the year.
It is with a heavy heart that we share the passing of another Middle College High School teacher, Ms. Sofia Close. She retired from Middle College High School in 2017 and taught English 4 and CSU Expository during her time with us. Many of our current students may not know her but we have previous students with siblings who had Ms. Close as their teacher. Please keep her family and friends in your thoughts as we honor her life.
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Mr. Danilo Baoas. He retired from MCHS in 2023 after serving 17+ years teaching Biology. Mr. Baoas enjoyed teaching, and holding experiments with students, and played an integral part in Bio Club, MESA, and Tea Nights. He will be missed.
About Us
Middle College at Contra Costa College is a highly rigorous academic program structured to provide successful, challenging, and meaningful experiences for students. Middle College High School at Contra Costa College is an Early College High School program. Our purpose was to create, in collaboration with Contra Costa College (CCC), a nurturing and academically challenging environment for traditionally underserved students to reach their full potential in a non-traditional high school setting.
Middle College Named Among Nation's Best High Schools... Again
Middle College High School was ranked among the top high schools in the nation for the fourth consecutive year by U.S. News & World Report.
Middle College Named Gold Ribbon School
Middle College High School is one of just 275 middle and high schools throughout the state of California being honored under the Gold Ribbon Schools Awards Program.
MCHS Named 2019 California Distinguished School
Middle College High School was one of 162 middle and high schools statewide honored as a 2019 Distinguished School by the California Department of Education.
Tips & Timelines for Seniors
Click the headline above for information on college application and financial aid links and timelines for Seniors, as well as tips on how to answer PIQs!
Chess Yoga
Our very own Mr. Adkins was recently featured in an article by the US Chess Federation. Click the headline above to read more!
Register to Vote!
If you are a citizen of the United States, residing in California and will be at least 18 years of age at the time of the next election, you can register to vote! Click the headline above for the link to the California Voter Registration page. If you are 16 or 17 years old, you can use the online registration application to pre-register!
2024-2025 DATES
Aug 5 - New Student OrientationAug 6 - First Day of School (mandatory)Aug 16 - Picture Day (9th, 10th, 11th)Aug 26 - First Day of College ClassesAug 28 - Back-to-School NightSep 5 - Mid-QuarterSep 2 - Labor Day Holiday - NO SCHOOLSep 20 - Picture Retakes (9th, 10th, 11th)Oct 7 - End of Quarter 1Oct 11 - Indigenous People's Day - NO SCHOOLNov 7 - Mid-QuarterNov 11 - Veterans Day Holiday - NO SCHOOLNov 28-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday - NO SCHOOLDec 13 - End of Quarter 2/Fall SemesterDec 16-Jan 6 - Winter Break - NO SCHOOLJan 7 - MCHS Classes ResumeJan 17 - Senior PortraitsJan 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday - NO SCHOOLJan 27 - First Day of College ClassesFeb 6- Preview NightFeb 6 - Mid-QuarterFeb 14 - Lincoln's Day Holiday - NO SCHOOLFeb 17 - Washington's Day Holiday - NO SCHOOLMar 13 - End of Quarter 3Mar 24-28 -Spring Break - NO SCHOOLApr 22 - Mid-QuarterApr 23 - Culture Night (tentative)May 23 -Last Day of School (End of Quarter 4/Spring Semester)May 26 - Memorial Day Holiday - CLOSEDJun 12 - 12 noon - Last Chance to Request TranscriptsJun 13- Jul 31 - OFFICES CLOSED FOR SUMMERHOLIDAYS - NO SCHOOLSep 2 - Labor Day HolidayOct 11 - Indigenous People's DayNov 11 - Veterans Day HolidayNov 28-29 - Thanksgiving HolidayDec 16-Jan 6 - Winter BreakJan 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr HolidayFeb 14 - Lincoln's Day HolidayFeb 17 - Washington's Day HolidayMar 24-28 -Spring BreakLAST DAY OF SCHOOLMay 23, 2025CCC GRADUATIONTBD - May 23, 2025MCHS GRADUATIONTBD - May 24, 2025 @ 10 amSITE VISITS
Students from MCHS visit WCCUSD middle schools in January to talk with 8th-grade students about Middle College and answer questions about our program.
If you are considering applying, please speak to your child's middle school counselor to let them know you are interested in Middle College for your student. They will be able to answer questions and assist you with the application process.
Quick Links
- Academic Calendar
- Campus Map
- Student Forms
- Tablet/Laptop Info & Forms
- Parents and Students Resources
- Notice of Public Hearing SPED - Annual Service Plan Budget Plan
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Student Links
- Counselor Support Personnel Accountability Report Card (SPARC)
- School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)